The MegaNegRaising dataset

Authors: Hannah YoungEun An and Aaron Steven White


Version: 1.1

Release date: 29 Aug 2020


This MegaNegRaising dataset consists of neg-raising judgments and acceptability judgments for 925 clause-embedding verbs of English in six surface-syntactic frames. The data were collected on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk using Ibex on Mechanical Turk.

For a detailed description of the dataset, the item construction and collection methods, and discussion of how to use a dataset on this scale to address questions in linguistic theory, please see the following paper:

An, H.Y. & A.S. White. 2019. The lexical and grammatical sources of neg-raising inferences. Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics 3:23, 220-233.

If you make use of this dataset in a presentation or publication, we ask that you please cite this paper.

Version history

1.0 (14 Aug 2019): first public release 1.1 (29 Aug 2020): adds sentence with embedded negation


mega-negraising-v1.tsv contains the raw data.

Column Description Values
participant anonymous integer identifier for participant that provided the response 0…1107
list integer identifier for list participant was responding to 0…247
presentationorder relative position of item in list 1…32
verb clause-embedding verb found in the item see paper
frame clausal complement found in the item see paper
tense matrix tense found in the item present, past
subject matrix subject person found in the item first, third
sentence1 the sentence with matrix negation see paper
sentence2 the sentence with embedded negation see paper
negraising neg-raising response 0…1
acceptability acceptability response for sentence1 0…1
nativeenglish whether the participant reported speaking American English natively True, False

mega-negraising-v1-normalized.tsv contains data normalized using the procedure described in An & White 2020.

Column Description Values
verb lemma of clause-embedding verb found in the item see paper
subject matrix subject person found in the item first, third
tense matrix tense found in the item present, past
frame clausal complement found in the item see paper
sentence1 the sentence with matrix negation see paper
sentence2 the sentence with embedded negation see paper
negraising normalized neg-raising response 0…1
acceptability normalized acceptability response for sentence1 0…1